jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

The education: a dificult problem today

The education: a dificult problem today
I feel the education is a right because in my opinion haven’t support the education in Chile. We need to solve the reader creativity with activities liberated of the authority; too we need to improve the listening comprehension and to establish the themes import ants for the students.
I think the major difference between state and private schools is the structures conditions than restrict the work of the teacher, because I courses with a lot students is complicate to make classmates. Anyway the children to have many family problems that restrict personality development; as well to limit the learning cognitive, emotional and social.
If we separate children depending on the family income never this defies the imagination.
I don`t feel receive a good education at school because the teaching is unfair, because we must work harder and the administration is very is very placid.
I’ know about any projects to considerably improve the Chilean education, but there isn't public information about this projects in the media: television, newspaper, rado, etc.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010


Well, I like very much the cinema and my favourite film is “Delicatessen” because is very illogical and comic. This film is based in their characters: a tenant artist, a butcher, between others. All they live in a dilapidated building, in a rural zone, in France. The history is a satire than the hard times in Europe, when in 1950 the food was scarce and the animals start die out. The plot of the film starts when the tenant artist fall in love for the daughter of the butcher.
Delicatessen was realist in 1991, is a french film of black mood, to direct for Jean Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, play the lead for Dominique Pinon and Karin Viard. Jean Pierre Jeunet also directed "Amelie", a good movie too.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Expensive Marc, in their first length, dazzled to the European critic and a legion of spectators eager for another type of cinema. The French surprised transferring the screen a singular universe, of searched carefully and axfisiante aesthetic and with a as strange script as " uncomfortable". Without a doubt different and extremely original, " Delicatessen" he is not for all type of public, but you are. between that they detest the fast food, this delight is definitively a plate to taste.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

BBC Learning English

I think this page Web is very interesting because it is quite complete and dynamic. It allows to learn the English of a no nconventional form and in addition the access to her gives a useful tool to practice in house.

With this information much can be known, from the world of the businesses, happening through the grammar to express better the ideas, through the tests that this implies and with several elements with which something can be created and to fortify it, to the community.

Also the lessons of the professors with the guide of the work in classes and with the aid of the companions can be understood better. It is a good method to review what it is seen in the classroom, besides being very useful to discover ways to understand the foreign language.

It has many elements cultural that serves as guide to know in depth the way being, to include way to speak, since a system of audio exists that is an indispensable support in the certainty which it implies not to forget the connection the words, the one that makes possible a good articulation.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

The day of the earthquake...

The day of the earthquake was in a department to the east of the capital, next to my premium, its husband and the small son. When telluric it begin moving I awoke very anxious and I rose immediately without being able to move to me or to start and knowledge that happened in fact. About the few minutes that this only lasted I thought that everything collapsed, that is to say, that this implied something much worse than I was living. Independent of the fear same I was very worried because my premium was pregnant to three days of the childbirth and it did not feel any security to face this situation. We could not run, only we embraced under the threshold of the door of exit of the house, when it stopped the shock we joined water and clothes, we lowered by the nervous stairs, with certain tranquillity and very fast to the corridor of the entrance to I build. There we inquired that the epicenter went to 30 kilometers of Cauquenes, in the eighth region. We felt really desperate and scared by the baby who came in way and by the boy who said to us: I do not want to die. Generally we reacted with calm, but we felt later very impatient because we did not understand anything. In the building people also reacted with quite barren, although there were several nervous people to whom she had fallen to them and broken many things. We were in the corridors next to the other people who live in the building and we realized that the magnitude of this did not arrive at our understanding because the information that arrived was contradictory. The building did not suffer structural damages. Fodder that the structures of concrete supported to the earthquake degree 8,3 in Santiago well, nevertheless, in the south of the country did not happen the same, since the great part of the human patrimony was destroyed and the television only helped to devalue the culture through vain critics. After the earthquake my reaction is not to attack the television but on the contrary it is to face the changes that will take place. My conception of the life is that the human race has begun to make worse this ecological tragedy. Even so in the diversity of conceptions we are not due to be with the phrase: it is fault of the man.

viernes, 2 de abril de 2010

Mi expectation for this semester

My expectation for this semester is to understand the articulation of the English and to be able to read and to understand it. I need some tools and disciplines, since I have difficulties in the composition and correct articulation. In addition I want to improve my understanding with other cultures that use this language, of this form not only to use it in the classes but also in the work Annex in other areas, that is to say, I do not only want to explain but also to communicate.