sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my computer with internet because I can see, listen and read all the information that I want. As well I can write in english with help of the BBC, for example, and learn more of all the contents.

To this it used it frequently means, at least once to the day a pair of hours, because with him I can do my works and amuse to me at the same time. I use for several years and Internet consegui because a cousin gave a connection me.

I was able it to the computer to arm with different pieces, from the PC that is quite old, to the screen that is modern. In addition I have an audio amplifier; this he is excellent an average one to extend the sound and to understand better the words, the melodies, the harmonies and the global set of the information.

The theories and the observation are the main work in these two first years of the education race, therefore it is necessary to understand and to be conscientious of the importance of the thought constructed in the base of the new forms to communicate and to connect the ideas.

I like much that the computer has Internet because the things that I can do are not limited a single thing, on the contrary, the Internet multifunctionality allows to know what relation has the things to each other.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010


I went there in the summer of the past year in a bus with my friends of the school. We were sitting down. I was in the lead, because I taked a photograph of landscape. The highway goes from Santiago to Chiloe and this place we boarded a ferry for to cross the island.
When we arrived in Hornopiren we were overjoyed. We had their arms around each other. This place it is one of the most amazing places I have seen in all my life. This small town is very quiet and in your streets I saw common people. The will of the people is impressive and peaceful. The travel turned out just as we planned but the stay not.
The first day we has to looked for all around the town lodgings and leased a campsite next to river. Then we walked for two hours all the weeks for to arrive at the mountains. All the days we walked to the river but to the mountains we meet to explore the place in a huge dimension.
All them we cooked singing and swim playing to ball.
I’d like this town because is very wonderful the landscape, your countless times green and yours giants trees. Really is an interesting place for meet with family or friends.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

"the imaginary man"

I’ think that Nicanor Parra is very important in the literature and the literature is vital for the formation. Because he is a poet has a conversation with himself and builds strong poetry.
Yours father is Nicanor and your mother s Clara, both to work hard, she is sing and he is a professor of music. Your brothers are Lautaro, Nano and Lalo, as well he have a sister, who she is the best Chilean artist in the history of Chile.
He was born in Chillan in 1914 and not is dead. He is a professor in a university of Santiago. He has a lot of the books and lot knowledge of the Chilean idiosyncrasy.
He has study mathematical and physical in 1933 and work in Santiago and Chillan. In your quality of scientific and writer he has travel around the world.
Your books disclose specially in English. He is a person of great learning. He published him first book “Cancionero sin nombre” in 1937. He is a man very interesting because your life is a big history.
In general he is a person that intense work for educate. I’ admire a Nicanor Parra especially for a poem that says this: “The imaginary man”
De los muros que son imaginarios penden antiguos cuadros imaginarios irreparables grietas imaginarias que representan hechos imaginarios ocurridos en mundos imaginarios en lugares y tiempos imaginarios