"100 Children waiting for a train" is a production directed by Ignacio Agüero in 1987 in Chile. This is a directed historical in very precarious conditions director learned to use in your favor. The camera follows a group of children in a marginal population during its passage by a workshop film - made by Alice Vera - where the children will learn something about the world, film, and freedom.
After mass, the spirit santo chapel open it doors workshops film Alice for the poor community Lo Hermida. This place of refuge and gathering at the time of military repression, turns into the classroom for children, throught art, games and movies, learn on the history of cinema the build themselves in their own history. We have an idea of the political situation in the country. Agüero interviews to children and their families, that tell us of her dreams. Also, interviewed Alicia, who was his teacher in the university and whose passion for teaching fills the screen, turning her into a kind of a preacher of the film.
After mass, the spirit santo chapel open it doors workshops film Alice for the poor community Lo Hermida. This place of refuge and gathering at the time of military repression, turns into the classroom for children, throught art, games and movies, learn on the history of cinema the build themselves in their own history. We have an idea of the political situation in the country. Agüero interviews to children and their families, that tell us of her dreams. Also, interviewed Alicia, who was his teacher in the university and whose passion for teaching fills the screen, turning her into a kind of a preacher of the film.
Year: 1988. Length: 56 minutes. Directed By: Ignacio Agüero.
Production: Ignacio Agüero. Photograph: Jaime Reyes, Jorge Roth
Editor: Fernando Valenzuela. Soundtrack: Mauricio Molina - Maurice Jaubert, J.S.Bach
Production: Ignacio Agüero. Photograph: Jaime Reyes, Jorge Roth
Editor: Fernando Valenzuela. Soundtrack: Mauricio Molina - Maurice Jaubert, J.S.Bach
I've never seen this movie, but reading this brief synopsis of the movie, I was eager to see it .. the historical subject really catches my attention ..
ResponderEliminarI think I'll see! Very good choice!
See you!!!